
Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Wonderful Ring Making Workshop!

 I held a wonderful ring making workshop on Saturday here in my studio in The Biscuit Factory. Lynn, Corinne and Sue made really lovely silver rings in the day long workshop. Lynn and Corinne had not had any jewellery making experience and managed to make two rings! Corinne had the lovely idea of making one each for her daughters, a very personal gift.

Techniques covered included cutting metal ( piercing in jewellery making terms!) filing, soldering, forming around a mandrel and polishing. These were helped along with copious helpings of tea and biscuits and a delicious lunch in the cafe!

I think the gals were deservedly proud of their creations! I find it amazing the different creations people produce from the one basic design.

Next ring making workshop is Saturday Februrary 4th. Just email me to book one for yourself or to purchase one as a gift. If two or more want to do the workshop on a different date let me know and we can arrange a day to suit you. Maximum number is four.

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